Subtitling English-Dutch & Dutch-English
Vangarmen has been subtitling movies, documentaries, web videos, corporate videos and TV programmes
since 1995. Directly for the filmmakers or for subtitling agencies.
Filmmakers: Penoza (two episodes of crime series, for director Willem Geritsen), innovative storytelling platform Laika (Future Cities), Stella van Voorst van Beest (Prisoners of the Ground, The Hum of Holland), Studio Ruben van Leer(Symmetry), Moving Portraits – Juliette Stevens, Soulmade Movies – Hein Verhees, Chai Locher (TenneT) and for cultural organisations such as the dance film project Point Taken and fine artist Giny Vos.
Subtitling agencies: Het Vertaalcollectief (IDFA opening film A Family Affair, My Extraordinary Summer with Tess, Porselein), Iyuno Media Group (previously Broadcast Text International), SDI Media, inVision (Project Rembrandt), Einion Media and YLF (The Best of Dorien B.), and for broadcasters NPO (Spangas and New to the Netherlands) and VPRO. I also did assignments for various other subtitling companies such as Gamma, Subs Media, Télétota, Viduce, VSI and Vunck.

English-Dutch & Dutch-English
Vangarmen has been working for various film festivals for over 30 years. Annually recurring assignments include the film catalogue of the International Film Festival Rotterdam and the Netherlands Film Festival. Previous assignments included the Holland Animation Film Festival, Cinekid, the International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam, FORUM, Docs for Sale and the Jan Vrijman Fund, the latter four from 1988 to 2013. This spawned a large number of assignments by filmmakers and film production companies like Cinedans, Eye Film, screenplay writer Luuk van Bemmelen, Noordelijk Filmfestival and World Cinema Amsterdam.
Other projects by Vangarmen include (web) texts for organisations like the Emma Children’s Hospital, the Dutch Cancer Society, the National Museum of Antiquities, the Creative Industries Fund NL and blogs for fundraiser Reinier Spruit.
Dutch-Dutch & English-English
Assignments for various public services, within the framework of the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines, effective from 23 September 2020.